Supplier Audits

Do Supplier Audits effectively manage your risk?

Of course not! At best they evaluate the degree of risk to which you are exposed.

They represent one of the elements of an effective Supplier Quality Assurance Program – which starts with a practical assessment of the risks you are encountering & develops into an effective risk management program in which supplier audits play an important role.

Technology enables us to monitor key variables in Supply Chains – harnessing this information will make your SQA program deliver quantifiable return.


How? Two ways:

Real time monitoring of selected Critical Control Points supported by manned control desk analyzing reporting & escalating data.
Field Audits conducted by SME’s reporting real time on a cloud-based platform.

We merge human expertise & information technology to deliver real time meaningful data enabling effective control for you, the Brand Holder.


Supplier Quality Assurance Process

  1. Risk Assessment by Risk Discipline (PQ, FS, OH&S, Env)
    Structured risk assessment model in excel providing quantified risk ratings using international standards aligned methodology.
  2. Risk Controls Definition
    Definition of risk controls to be applied.
  3. Supplier Questionnaires – Development & Review
    Sector specific supplier questionnaires used to evaluate degree of subsequent control required.
  4. Supplier Approval – Contract Terms/P/O Establishment
    Conducted by the client.
  5. Supplied Service/Product Monitoring & Reporting
    Conducted by the client who receives/consumes the product/service & reports non-conformances by exception.
  6. Specialized Process Monitoring
    Using cost effective technology, we establish real time data collection & upload to enable early warning of product/process non-conformance.
  7. SQA Dashboard
    We establish a tailored SQA dashboard on the internet to which you have used defined real time data access.
  8. Supplier Audits – Conducting Reporting, Follow Up & Close Out
    The number & nature of these audits is determined as an integral element of step 2. We request information regarding the suppliers performance from you supplier monitoring data & incorporate this into our audit scope to ensure that our audits focus on the key aspects of your experience with the supplier.